Friday 7 October 2011

OUR BABY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahaha who got scared?! i couldn't resist. By baby I mean fur-baby, ELVIS! Elvis is finally home and the 4 of us couldnt be happier! He was so excited when he saw us and tom called his name- i couldn't even hold him b/c he was going crazy! After the first hour of excitement had passed, he settled down and has been jetlagged ever since. Well, i dont know if its jetlag or just having the peace of mind that hes back with us, or just resting up after two months of puppy humping, but he is sooo tried and is very content sleeping all day and night- and honestly now that he is here and is safe i am too.

Its not just Tom and i who are happy to have him back- Jax has been kicking more the last 2 days since he has arrived. I guess he missed hearing his bark and snoring :o) London finally starts to feel like home.

we went to the pet store and Elvis got to pick out a treat

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad he arrived safely! He looks right at home!
