Tuesday, 16 August 2011

the greatest year of my life... so far

This past weekend was our first wedding anniversary- WOW! As I think about what the past two year have brought me I am in shock of how lucky and blessed I am to have such a great an amazing man to love me. 2 years ago when he proposed to me, I thought it was the best year ever; that was everything I had every wished for since I had met him 6 and a half years before. Forward 10 months and we had the most amazing, beautiful wedding and a fantasy honeymoon that I had thought only existed in the movies. We started the next chapter in our lives- becoming husband and wife.. how could the year get any better. Well, 5 months later we find out we are pregnant with a wonderful baby boy! As the weekend approached, with the 1 year milestone coming full speed ahead, I though this was truly the best year of my life and I owe it all to my husband for making me so happy and loved. Then it occurs to me... has this been the greatest year of my life or will I reflect the same as I am now, a year from today, with our son in my arms and consider once again that it can't get any better?

Fiji- in our over water bungalow

So, this time last year we were on our honeymoon in Fiji. At that time, we both thought we would be celebrating our first anniversary a little differently than we actually did... living in London, 30lbs heavier, never really crossed my mind of possibilities. We went to Bournemouth  (pronounced Bornmith) a quaint beach town on the southern coast of the UK. It was pretty, relaxing, and peaceful. well until the pregnancy hormones kicked in full force and the emotions too over my body for 16 hours- oops! Its as if I cannot have any feeling or emotion without it becoming completely over the top lately. Between being excited  about Sunday, concerned about my sugar ( it was very high for no reason all weekend), and feeling extremely self conscious about not "looking good" for my husband on our anniversary as I wobble around with all this pregnancy weight- let's just say I lost my cool for a little bit. Finally, after having Tom reel me back to reality our fun weekend was back on track with eating at the most amazingly delicious, little Mexican place ever, indulging in some much needed diabetic vanilla ice cream, and just laying on the beach- it was the perfect, relaxing, anniversary we both wanted and needed. 

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